Data Sh eet, V 1.0D3, Mar. 2001 82C900 Standalone TwinCAN Controller M i c r o c o n t ro l le r s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-03 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, D-81541 Munchen, Germany (c) Infineon Technologies AG 2001. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC manufacturer. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our Infineon Technologies Representatives worldwide (see address list). Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Data Sh eet, V 1.0D3, Mar. 2001 82C900 Standalone TwinCAN Controller M i c r o c o n t ro l le r s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . 82C900 Preliminary Revision History: 2001-03 Previous Version: - Page V 1.0D3 Subjects (major changes since last revision) We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, unclear or missing at all? Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the quality of this document. Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: Preliminary Standalone TwinCAN Controller 82C900 82C900 Architectural Overview The Standalone TwinCAN device provides several submodules to control the data flow and to configure the peripheral function: Features: * Two interface channels are implemented for the communication with a host device: - the Multiplexed Data/Address Bus can be used by an external CPU to read and write the TwinCAN's internal registers for initial configuration and control during normal operation. The standard Infineon Bus Mode and the Motorola Bus Mode can be handled. - alternatively, a Synchronous Serial Channel (SSC) may be selected to read out the initial TwinCAN's register configuration from a serial EEPROM. The SSC can be also used by an external control device (microcontroller, CPU, etc.) in order to exchange control and status information. * Both communication channels are based on byte transfers. In order to minimize the communication overhead, all internal 16 bit and 32 bit wide registers can be accessed in Page Mode requiring only one address byte. * Powerful initialization mechanism for all registers, the device can be configured via EEPROM, based on CAN messages or by an external host device. * Additional input/output functionality controlled by CAN messages. The transmission of CAN messages can be triggered by input pins if the SSC is used for communication. * The clock control unit can be supplied with an external clock. Alternatively, an on-chip oscillator may be used to generate a clock driving also an external device via an output pin. * Power Saving features have been implemented. A Sleep Mode and a Power-Down Mode can be activated in order to minimize the power consumption. The clock control of the device can be controlled by CAN messages. * The internal power saving status can be monitored at output pins. This allows flexible and powerful system partitioning. * The Device Controller unit generates the internal target address by concatenating the contents of the PAGE register with the address delivered by the appropriate host read/ write access. * The Interrupt Control unit passes the interrupt requests generated by the TwinCAN controller to the external host via selectable output pins. * The Port Control unit can be used to select the required functionality of the port pins operating as communication channel, CAN node function monitor, interrupt request line or general purpose I/O. Furthermore, the slew rate of pins configured for output operation can be adjusted via this module. Data Sheet 5 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary The TwinCAN module permits the connection and autonomous handling of two independent CAN buses. * Full-CAN module with 32 message objects, which can be independently assigned to one of the two buses. * The CAN protocol version 2.0B active with standard and extended identifiers can be handled. * The full CAN baud rate range is supported. * Scalable FIFO mechanism for reception and transmission in order to improve the realtime behavior of the system. * Built-in automatic gateway functionality for data exchange between both CAN buses. The gateway feature can also be used for automatic reply to received messages (lifesign: "I got it!"). * Powerful interrupt structure, permitting application-specific interrupt generation. * Remote frames can be monitored. * Enhanced acceptance filtering (an acceptance mask for each message object). * A 16 bit frame count / timestamp is implemented for each message object. * Analyzing mode (no dominant level will be sent) supported. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the 82C900 device architecture. 4 CTRL0..CTRL3 8 Port Control CAN data P0..P7 2 MODE0, MODE1 Interrupt Control int Clock control clk 2 OUT0, OUT1 2 XTAL1, XTAL2 addr 2 RESET, RDY SSC 2 data CAN CAN Node Node A B Message Object Buffer RXDCA, RXDCB 2 TXDCA, TXDCB Figure 1 Device Control TwinCAN Control Standalone TwinCAN Architecture Note: The CAN bus transceivers are not integrated and have to be connected externally. Data Sheet 6 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Application Fields The Standalone TwinCAN device 82C900 can be used in application requiring one or two independent CAN nodes. The built-in FIFO and gateway features minimize the CPU load for the message handling and lead to an improved real-time behavior. The access to the internal registers can be handled via a parallel or a serial interface, adapted to a large variety of applications. The interface selection is done via the two MODE pins, which can be directly connected to the supply voltage or via pull-up/down resistors (of about 10-47 kOhm). In all modes, the clock generation can be controlled either by the 82C900 device or by the system it is connected to. Connection to a Host Device via the Parallel Interface The 82C900 can be connected to a host device via a parallel 8 bit multiplexed interface. Therefore, pin MODE0 has to be 0, whereas pin MODE1 selects, whether an Infineon(Intel-) compatible or an Motorola-compatible protocol is handled. In this mode, the device can be easily used to extend the CAN capability of a system. The internal registers can be accessed in pages of 256 bytes per page. An additional RDY output indicates when the device is ready to be accessed. This signal can be used to detect an overload situation of the CAN device (too many host accesses to the TwinCAN module). One interrupt output line (OUT1) is always available, a second one (OUT0) can be used as clockout pin or as another interrupt output. CAN Bus A CAN Bus B Transceiver Transceiver RXDCA, TXDCA RXDCB, TXDCB 82C900 TwinCAN Module Clock Control Parallel Interface Interrupt Control AD7..0 CTRL3..0 RDY OUTx Host Figure 2 Data Sheet Host Connection via the Parallel Interface 7 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Connection to a Host Device via the Serial Interface The second possibility to connect the 82C900 to a host device is via the serial interface. This mode is selected if the pin MODE0=1 and MODE1=0. The standard four-line SPI-compatible interface has been extended by a RDY signal, which indicates that the serial interface is ready for the next access by the host. The page size is reduced to 128 bytes per page, because the MSB of the address byte contains a read/write indication. A special incremental access mode has been implemented in order to reduce significantly the number of transferred bytes for consecutive register accesses. The 8 remaining I/O pins from the unused parallel interface are controlled by a port control logic and can be used as I/O extension. These lines can be read or written by the serial channel or by CAN messages. Furthermore, these lines can be programmed as additional interrupt output lines in order to increase the number of independent interrupts. The output lines OUT0 and OUT1 have the same functionality in the case a parallel interface or a serial interface connects the 82C900 to a host device. CAN Bus A CAN Bus B Transceiver Transceiver RXDCA, TXDCA RXDCB, TXDCB 82C900 TwinCAN Module Port Control I/O7..0 Serial Interface CTRL3..0 Input/Output Extension Figure 3 Data Sheet Clock Control Interrupt Control RDY OUTx Host Host Connection via the Serial Interface 8 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Operation without Host Device The standalone functionality comprises an additional mode, leading to a low-cost system, which does not require any external host device. This mode can be selected by setting the input pins MODE0 and MODE1 to 1. The best solution are pull-up resistors (about 10 to 47 kOhm). After the reset phase, the MODE pins can be enabled to control the power-down functionality of the entire connected system by indicating the internal status of two clock control bits. The power-down functionality can run completely via CAN messages (sleep and wake-up by CAN messages). The initialization sequence is automatically started from an external non-volatile memory, a serial (SPI-compatible) EEPROM. The data, which is read out from the EEPROM permits the user to initialize the registers with the desired values in a freely programmable order. Changes in the application only lead to modified data stored in the non-volatile memory. For example, the bit timing, one message object and some control registers are set up via the data read from the EEPROM. Then, the initialization can continue via CAN messages. The 8 remaining I/O pins from the unused parallel interface are controlled by a port control logic and can be used as I/O extension. These lines can be read or written by CAN messages. CAN Bus A CAN Bus B Transceiver Transceiver RXDCA, TXDCA RXDCB, TXDCB 82C900 TwinCAN Module Port Control Serial Interface I/O7..0 Input/Output extension Figure 4 Data Sheet Clock Control Device Control CTRL3..0 Serial EEPROM Power-Down Indication Connection to a Serial EEPROM 9 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Pin Configuration RXDCA TXDCA RESET XTAL1 XTAL2 OUT0 VDD VSS CTRL0 CTRL2 P0 P2 P4 P6 Figure 5 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 RXDCB TXDCB MODE0 MODE1 RDY OUT1 VDD VSS CTRL1 CTRL3 P1 P3 P5 P7 82C900 Pin Configuration Pin Definition Table 1 Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Pin I/O 1) Function Number RXDCA 1 I Receiver Input of CAN Node A Receiver input of CAN node A, connected to the associated CAN bus via a transceiver device. TXDCA 2 O Transmitter Output of CAN Node A TXDCA delivers the output signal of CAN node A. The signal level has to be adapted to the physical layer of the CAN bus via a transceiver device. RXDCB 28 I Receiver Input of CAN Node B Receiver input of CAN node B, connected to the associated CAN bus via a transceiver device. Data Sheet 10 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Table 1 Pin Definitions and Functions (cont'd) Symbol Pin I/O 1) Function Number TXDCB 27 O Transmitter Output of CAN Node B TXDCB delivers the output signal of CAN node B. The signal level has to be adapted to the physical layer of the CAN bus via a transceiver device. RESET 3 I Reset A low level on this pin resets the device. RDY 24 O Ready Signal Output signal indicating that the standalone device is ready for data transfer. CTRL0 9 I/O Control 0 MODE0=0: Chip Select CS Input used as Chip Select for the device. MODE0=1: Select Slave SLS MODE1=0: Input used to enable SSC action when active. MODE1=1: Output used to select a slave when active. CTRL1 20 I/O Control 1 MODE0=0: Address Latch Enable or Address Strobe, ALE or AS Input used for latching the address from the multiplexed address/data bus. MODE0=1: Serial Channel Clock SCLK Input/output of the SSC clock. MODE1=0: Clock input MODE1=1: Clock output CTRL2 Data Sheet 10 I/O Control 2 MODE0=0: MODE1=0: MODE1=1: MODE1=1: MODE0=1: MODE1=0: MODE1=1: Write or Read/Write, WR or R/W Input used as write signal WR R/W=0: Data transfer direction = write R/W=1: Data transfer direction = read Master Transmit Slave Receive MTSR Serial data input Serial data output 11 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Table 1 Pin Definitions and Functions (cont'd) Symbol Pin I/O 1) Function Number CTRL3 19 I/O Control 3 MODE0=0: MODE1=0: MODE1=0: MODE0=1: MODE1=0: MODE1=1: Read or Read/Write Enable, RD or E Input used as read signal RD Read/write enable Master Receive Slave Transmit MRST Serial data output Serial data input P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P0 15 14 16 13 17 12 18 11 I/O Parallel Bus MODE0=0: 8-bit Address/ Data Bus AD[7:0] Address and data bus AD7..AD0 in 8-bit multiplexed modes. MODE0=1: 8-bit parallel I/O Port IO[7:0] Programmable 8-bit general purpose I/O-port IO7..IO0. OUT0 2) 6 O Output Line 0 The logic 0 level at this pin indicates an interrupt request to the external host device if selected as interrupt output. The interrupt line will be active if there is a new pending interrupt request for interrupt node 0 (according to register GLOBCTR). If selected as clock output, the functionality is defined by register CLKCTR. OUT1 23 O, Output Line 1 open The logic 0 level at this pin indicates an interrupt request drain to the external host device. The interrupt line will be active if there is a new pending interrupt request for interrupt node 1 (according to register GLOBCTR). MODE0 3) 26 I/O, Interface Selection open Pin MODE0 selects whether the on-chip SSC or an 8-bit drain multiplexed bus are used to access the TwinCAN device. MODE0=0: 8-bit multiplexed address/data bus MODE0=1: on-chip SSC After registering the initial state of MODE0 with the rising edge of the reset signal, the respective pin can be used as additional general purpose or special function I/O line according register IOMODE4. Data Sheet 12 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Table 1 Pin Definitions and Functions (cont'd) Symbol Pin I/O 1) Function Number MODE1 25 I/O, Interface Mode Selection open Pin MODE1 determines the access mode of the host drain device. MODE0=0: 8-bit multiplexed bus MODE1=0: Infineon / Intel mode, (RD, WR) MODE1=1: Motorola mode, (R/W, E) MODE0=1: On-chip SSC MODE1=0: SSC is slave, host device is master MODE1=1: SSC is master, external serial EEPROM is slave After registering the initial state of MODE1 with the rising edge of the reset signal, the respective pin can be used as additional general purpose or special function I/O line according register IOMODE4. XTAL1 4 I XTAL1 Input of the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock generation circuit. When the 82C900 device is provided with an external clock, XTAL1 should be driven while XTAL2 is left unconnected. Minimum and maximum high and low pulse width as well as rise/fall times specified in the AC characteristics must be respected. XTAL2 5 O XTAL2 Output of the inverting oscillator amplifier. VSS 21, 8 0V Ground, both pins must be connected. VDD 22, 7 +5V Power Supply, both pins must be connected. 1) The slew rate of the output pins OUT0, OUT1, CTRL1..3, P0..P7, TXDCA and TXDCB can be defined by the bit fields SLR0..3 in register GLOBCTR. 2) After reset, this pin is configured as clock output, see register CLKCTR. 3) The initial logic state on pins MODE0 and MODE1 is registered with the rising edge of the RESET input. Afterwards, both pins can be used as additional I/O lines, according to functionality specified in register IOMODE4. Data Sheet 13 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Register Address Map All Shell and Kernel registers, implemented for controlling the 82C900 device, are summarized in Table 0-1; detailed information about each register is provided in the respective module description chapter. Note: Accesses to addresses which are not specified as registers in the following register address map are forbidden. Table 0-1 Summary of Registers Register Name Register Symbol Address Reset Value Global Device Control Register GLOBCTR 0010H A0 00H Interrupt Control Register INTCTR 0012H 00 00H CAN Clock Control Register CLKCTR 0014H 00 24H Input/Output Mode Register 0 IOMODE0 0020H 00 00H Input/Output Mode Register 2 IOMODE2 0022H 00 00H Input/Output Mode Register 4 IOMODE4 0024H 00 00H Input Value Register (8-bit port) INREG 0026H 00 00H Output Value Register (8-bit port) OUTREG 0028H 00 00H CAN Power-Down Control Register CANPWD 0040H 00 00H CAN Input/Output Control Register CANIO 0042H 00 00H CAN Initialization Control Register CANINIT 0044H 00 00H Paging Mode Register (accessible in all pages) PAGE XX7CH 00 00H CAN RAM Address Buffer Register CAB 007EH 00 00H Initialization Control Register INITCTR 02F0H 0103 0000H CAN Receive Interrupt Pending Register RXIPND 0284H 0000 0000H CAN Transmit Interrupt Pending Register TXIPND 0288H 0000 0000H CAN Node A Control Register ACR 0200H 0000 0001H CAN Node A Status Register ASR 0204H 0000 0000H CAN Node A Interrupt Pending Register AIR 0208H 0000 0000H CAN Node A Bit Timing Register ABTR 020CH 0000 0000H 1) Standalone Shell Registers TwinCAN Kernel, Common Registers TwinCAN Kernel, Node A Registers Data Sheet 14 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Table 0-1 Summary of Registers (cont'd) Register Name Register Symbol Address Reset Value 1) CAN Node A Global Int. Node Pointer Reg. AGINP 0210H 0000 0000H CAN Node A Frame Counter Register AFCR 0214H 0000 0000H CAN Node A INTID Mask Register 0 AIMR0 0218H 0000 0000H CAN Node A INTID Mask Register 4 AIMR4 021CH 0000 0000H CAN Node A Error Counter Register AECNT 0220H 0060 0000H CAN Node B Control Register BCR 0240H 0000 0001H CAN Node B Status Register BSR 0244H 0000 0000H CAN Node B Interrupt Pending Register BIR 0248H 0000 0000H CAN Node B Bit Timing Register BBTR 024CH 0000 0000H CAN Node B Global Int. Node Pointer Reg. BGINP 0250H 0000 0000H CAN Node B Frame Counter Register BFCR 0254H 0000 0000H CAN Node B INTID Mask Register 0 BIMR0 0258H 0000 0000H CAN Node B INTID Mask Register 4 BIMR4 025CH 0000 0000H CAN Node B Error Counter Register BECNT 0260H 0060 0000H TwinCAN Kernel, Node B Registers TwinCAN Kernel, Message Object Registers CAN Message Object n Data Register 0 MSGDRn0 0300H + n*20H 0000 0000H CAN Message Object n Data Register 4 MSGDRn4 0304H + n*20H 0000 0000H CAN Message Object n Arbitration Register MSGARn 0308H + n*20H 0000 0000H CAN Message Object n Acceptance Mask Register MSGAMRn 030CH + n*20H FFFF FFFFH CAN Message Object n Message Control Register MSGCTRn 0310H + n*20H 0000 5555H CAN Message Object n Message Configuration Register MSGCFGn 0314H + n*20H 0000 0000H CAN Message Object n Gateway / FIFO Control Register MSGFGCRn 0318H + n*20H 0000 0000H 1) Registers with 32-bit reset values are located in the CAN RAM and have to be accessed accordingly. The other registers are standard SFRs, which have 16-bit reset values. Data Sheet 15 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 2 Absolute Maximum Rating Parameters Parameter Storage temperature Voltage on VDD pins with respect to ground (VSS) Voltage on any pin with respect to ground (VSS) Symbol Limit Values min. max. TST VDD -65 150 C -0.5 6.5 V VIN -0.5 VDD+0.5 V -10 10 mA |100| mA 480 mW Input current on any pin during overload condition Absolute sum of all input currents during overload condition Power dissipation Unit Notes PDISS Note: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. During absolute maximum rating overload conditions (VIN>VDD or VIN<VSS) the voltage on VDD pins with respect to ground (VSS) must not exceed the values defined by the absolute maximum ratings. Data Sheet 16 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Operating Conditions The following operating conditions must not be exceeded in order to ensure correct operation of the device. All parameters, specified in the following sections, refer to the normal operating conditions, unless otherwise noticed. The timings refer to the fast edge mode. Table 3 Operating Condition Parameters Parameter Standard digital supply voltage Symbol Limit Values VDD min. max. 4.5 5.5 Unit Notes V Active mode, fmax = 25 MHz 2.5 1) VSS Overload current IOV Absolute sum of overload |IOV| Digital ground voltage 5.5 0 V Power-Down mode V Reference voltage - 5 mA Per pin 2) - 50 mA 4) 3) currents External Load Capacitance CL - |100| pF Ambient temperature TA -40 125 C SAK 82C900 1) Output voltages and output currents will be reduced when VDD leaves the range defined for active mode. The clock frequency has to be reduced to operate with a voltage supply below 4.5V. 2) Overload conditions occur if the standard operating conditions are exceeded, i.e. the voltage on any pin exceeds the specified range (i.e. VOV > VDD+0.5V or VOV < VSS-0.5V). The absolute sum of input overload currents on all port pins may not exceed 50 mA. The supply voltage must remain within the specified limits. 3) Not 100% tested, guaranteed by design characterization 4) Not 100% tested, guaranteed by design characterization. Data Sheet 17 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary DC Characteristics Operating Conditions apply. Table 4 DC Characteristics under Normal Operation Conditions Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. max. 0.3 VDD V Input low voltage (XTAL1) VIL - 0.5 Input high voltage (XTAL1) VIH 0.7 VDD VDD + 0.5 Input low voltage (other pins) VIL - 0.5 Input high voltage (other pins) VIH 0.2 VDD VDD + 0.5 + 0.9 V - Output low voltage 1) (P0..P7) VOLP - 0.45 V IOLP = 5 mA VOHP 2.4 - V 0.9 VDD - V IOHP = -5 mA IOHP = -0.5 mA IOL = 2.4 mA Output high voltage (P0..P7) 1) V - 0.2 VDD V - 0.1 - Output low voltage (other pins) VOL - 0.45 V Output high voltage 2) (other pins) VOH 2.4 - V 0.9 VDD - V Input leakage current IOZ IRSTH 4) IRSTL 5) IIL CIO RESET inactive current RESET active current XTAL1 input current 6) Pin capacitance (digital inputs/outputs) 1) 3) - - 500 nA - -10 A -100 - A - 20 A - 10 pF IOH = -2.4 mA IOH = -0.5 mA 0.45V < VIN < VDD VIN = VIH VIN = VIL 0 V < VIN < VDD f = 1 MHz TA = 25 C 2) The sum of | IOHP |, IOLP must not exceed 20mA. This specification is not valid for outputs which are switched to open drain mode. In this case the respective output will float and the voltage results from the external circuitry. 3) These parameters describe the RESET pull-up, which equals a resistance of ca. 50 to 250 K. 4) The maximum current may be drawn while the respective signal line remains inactive. 5) The minimum current must be drawn in order to drive the respective signal line active. 6) Not 100% tested, guaranteed by design characterization. Data Sheet 18 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Power Consumption Operating Conditions apply. Table 5 Power Consumption Parameter Power supply current (5V active) with all elements active Symbol Limit Values IDD5 Sleep mode supply current (5V) IIDX5 (oscillator running, clock gated off) Power-down mode supply current (5V) (oscillator stopped) 2) IIDO5 Unit Test Condition min. max. - 80 mA RESET = VIH fCAN = 25 MHz 1) - 1.5 mA RESET = VIH fCAN = 25 MHz - 10 A RESET = VIH 1) The supply current is a function of the operating frequency. These parameters are tested at VDDmax and maximum CPU clock with all outputs disconnected and all inputs at VIL or VIH. The oscillator also contributes to the total supply current. The given values refer to the worst case. For lower oscillator frequencies the respective supply current can be reduced accordingly. 2) This parameter is determined mainly by the current consumed by the oscillator. This current, however, is influenced by the external oscillator circuitry (crystal, capacitors). The values given refer to a typical circuitry and may change in case of a not optimized external oscillator circuitry. Data Sheet 19 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary AC Characteristics Operating Conditions apply. Table 6 External Clock Drive XTAL1 Parameter Symbol Direct Drive (1:1) Unit min. max. 40 - ns High time 10 - ns Low time 15 - ns Oscillator period 1) 1) TCAN The clock input signal must reach the defined levels VIL and VIH. Assuming a maximum access rate from an external host to the CAN RAM via the communication interface (worst case, parallel interface), the CAN protocol can still be handled on both nodes with 1 Mbps if the clock frequency fCAN is 24 MHz. For additional data handling features (FIFO, gateway, etc.), a higher frequency should be used, the access rate to the device has to be reduced or a lower baud rate has to be selected. Under worst case access conditions and CAN traffic, a baud rate of 500 kbps for each node can be achieved with full data handling functionality with fCAN=24 MHz. CAN input delay, output delay: typ. 15 ns Data Sheet 20 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary 8-Bit Multiplexed Bus Infineon/ Intel Compatibility Mode The bus access is internally fully synchronized, asynchronous accesses are supported. Read Timing t LHLL t RLLH ALE t AVLL t LLAX AD7-0 data out A7-0 t LLRL t RHDZ t RLDV t LLCL RD t RLRH CS Write Timing t LHLL ALE t AVLL t LLAX AD7-0 data in A7-0 t LLWL WR t WLDS t WHDZ t WHLH t LLCL t WLWH t WHCH CS Figure 6 Data Sheet Timing of Multiplexed Address/Data bus with MODE1 = 0 21 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Operating Conditions apply. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit min. max. Address valid to ALE low t AVLL 5 - ns Address hold after ALE low t LLAX 10 - ns ALE high time t LHLL 10 - ns ALE low to RD low t LLRL 10 - ns ALE low to WR low t LLWL 10 - ns ALE low to CS low t LLCL 10 - ns Data setup to WR high t WLDS 10 - ns Input data hold after WR high t WHDZ 10 - ns WR pulse width t WLWH 1.5 TCAN - ns WR high to next ALE high (if the next access targets the device) t WHLH 10 TCAN - ns WR high to next ALE high (if the next access doesn't target the device) t WHLH 4 TCAN +15 - ns WR high to CS high t WHCH 0 - ns RD pulse width (short read) t RLRH 1.5 TCAN - ns RD pulse width (long read) t RLRH 8 TCAN + 25 - ns RD low to data valid (short read) t RLDV - 25 ns RD low to data valid (long read) t RLDV - 25 + 8 TCAN ns RD low to next ALE high (short read) t RLLH 8 TCAN - ns RD low to next ALE high (long read) t RLLH 25 - ns Data float after RD high t RHDZ - 25 ns Data Sheet 22 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary 8-Bit Multiplexed Bus Motorola Compatibility Mode The bus access is internally fully synchronized, asynchronous accesses are supported. Read Timing t EHSH AD7-0 data out A7-0 t AVSL t SLAX AS t SLEH t SHSL t EHDW t ELDZ E R/W t ELCH t EHEL t RSEH t CLSL CS Write Timing AD7-0 data in A7-0 t AVSL t SLAX t ELDS t ELDH AS t SHSL t ELSH t SLEH E t RSEH t EHEL t ELCH R/W t CLSL CS Figure 7 Data Sheet Timing of Multiplexed Address/Data bus with MODE1 = 1 23 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Operating Conditions apply. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit min. max. Address valid to AS low t AVSL 5 - ns Address hold after AS low t SLAX 10 - ns Data float after E low t ELDZ - 25 ns E high to data valid output t EHDV - 25 ns Input data setup to E low t ELDS 10 - ns Input data hold after E low t ELDH 10 - ns E high time t EHEL 1.5 TCAN - ns AS high time t SHSL 10 - ns Setup time of R/W to E high t RSEH 0 - ns AS low to E high t SLEH 10 - ns CS low to E high t CLSL 0 - ns E low to CS high t ELCH 0 - ns E low to next AS high (for write) (if the next access targets the device) t ELSH 10 TCAN - ns E low to next AS high (for write) (if the next access doesn't target the device) t ELSH 4 TCAN + 15 - ns E high to next AS high (for read) t EHSH 8 TCAN - ns Data Sheet 24 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Timings of the SSC In the case that the SSC is used in slave mode without the RDY signal, the following timings have to be respected: Parameter Min. Time (access to TwinCAN registers) Min. Time (access to standalone registers) Units First activation of SLS after end of reset 1100 1100 TCAN SLS active after SLS inactive (to start a new communication cycle) 4 4 TCAN SLS active before SCLK active in order to transfer the address byte 2 2 TCAN SLS inactive after SLS active without transfer of data 2 2 TCAN Time after the address transfer to the first data byte transfer 5 (write) 14 (read) 5 (write) 11 (read) TCAN Time between two byte transfers (SCLK active to SCLK active) 5 (write) 14 (read) 5 (write) 11 (read) TCAN Time to SLS inactive after last byte transfer 11 (write) 1 (read) 6 (write) 1 (read) TCAN Note: The RDY signal can be used for a handshake to access to the device. Furthermore, this signal indicates SSC error conditions (see baud rate error detection). Accesses to the device during an SSC error condition can not be correctly taken into account and might lead to errors. Data Sheet 25 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Package The 82C900 device is available in a 28-pin P-DSO package. Table 1 contains a functional description of each pin. Figure 8 Data Sheet P-DSO-28-1 Package 26 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 82C900 Preliminary Data Sheet 27 V 1.0D3, 2001-03 ((28)) Infineon goes for Business Excellence "Business excellence means intelligent approaches and clearly defined processes, which are both constantly under review and ultimately lead to good operating results. Better operating results and business excellence mean less idleness and wastefulness for all of us, more professional success, more accurate information, a better overview and, thereby, less frustration and more satisfaction." Dr. Ulrich Schumacher Published by Infineon Technologies AG